About us
Puri Diplomatic Greens - Sector 111, Gurgaon
Puri Diplomatic Greens in Sector 111, Gurgaon is a ready-to-move housing society. It offers apartments and villas in varied budget range. These units are a perfect combination of comfort and style, specifically designed to suit your requirements and conveniences. There are 3BHK and 4BHK apartments and 5BHK villas available in this project. This housing society is now ready to be called home as families have started moving in.
Our apartments feature spacious layouts that provide you with room to breathe and make your space truly your own.
Size - 1700-2215 Sq.Ft.
Size - 2950-4500 Sq.Ft.
Size - 7000-8000 Sq.Ft.
Our floor plans prioritize comfort and convenience, offering you the ultimate in luxury living. Experience open, flowing layouts that invite natural light to dance through your home.
Step into a world of refined elegance as our gallery unveils crafted interiors and breathtaking elevation views.
Puri Group is a renowned real estate company with a history spanning over 50 years. This company has completed approximately 5000 premium residences. The company has various developments in Delhi-NCR, which include Diplomatic Greens, Emerald Bay, Palm Springs, Anand Vilas, Puri The Aravali, etc. Puri Construction is a well-known real estate developer that specializes in high-quality residential and commercial constructions.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We're here to help and provide you with the answers you need.
PHONE NUMBER8882721721
MEET USSector 111, Gurgaon
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